126 poze   28124 vizite

My Family

Symphony of Angels - 1nWkx-12R - normal
Symphony of Angels - 1nWkx-12R - normal
the princess of the most beautif - 1nWkx-12N - normal
the princess of the most beautif - 1nWkx-12N - normal
Wedding Frame#20 - 1nWkx-131 - normal
Wedding Frame#20 - 1nWkx-131 - normal
~_~ Loving You! ~_~ - 1nWkx-12G - normal
~_~ Loving You! ~_~ - 1nWkx-12G - normal
Allez- You will be Loved - 1nWkx-12z - normal
Allez- You will be Loved - 1nWkx-12z - normal
Allez-Pink Tulips - 1nWkx-12E - normal
Allez-Pink Tulips - 1nWkx-12E - normal
Barbie - 1nWkx-12P - normal
Barbie - 1nWkx-12P - normal
Barbie - 1nWkx-12Y - normal
Barbie - 1nWkx-12Y - normal

Comentarii album • 2
Manix80 10 February 2013  
Sa va dea Domnul sanatate!
ovaduva 9 August 2012  
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